Moodle, Data mining, Student performance, Distance Education.Abstract
This study presents results of a systematic mapping of the literature in the last five years (2016-2020), which sought to investigate the use of digital technologies in the teaching and learning process in Moodle. For this research, articles published on the CAPES Journal Portal were related. This virtual portal was selected for its great importance in the national and international scientific scenario. With significant contributions about research related to information technology in education. After selecting primary studies, thirty-one works were analyzed, which registered the highest frequencies for the use of the following digital resources: SPSS software, Moodle plugins and data mining applications. Among the main variables reported, the following stand out: learning in Moodle, monitoring activities and predicting student performance. Among the contributions, the following stand out: use of digital resources in the teaching and learning process, monitoring and forecasting of student performance. The research presented relevant contributions, mainly to improve and enhance the teaching and learning process in moments of social distancing in the distance education modality.Downloads
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