Estratégias tecnológicas na prática pedagógica


  • Vania Seegger Universidade Federal do Pampa, São Gabriel, RS
  • Suzy Elisabeth Canes Universidade Federal do Pampa, São Gabriel, RS
  • Carlos Alberto Xavier Garcia Universidade Federal do Pampa, São Gabriel, RS



Digital Tools, Education, Pedagogical Practices


Contemporary society is characterized by a very fast technological advancement and diversified, making occurring changes in people's lives and reflecting on the political relations, the incorporation of new technologies will only have sense to contribute to improving the quality of education, and have it by itself is no guarantee of quality in education. The teaching and learning is process are in the practice teacher and as a teacher and students use the technological resources available. The presence of technology should serve to enrich the educational environment, promoting the construction of knowledge through an active and critical on the part of students and teachers. The present work aims to lead to reflection on educational practice, focusing on Technological Pedagogical Strategies in Practice and the digital tools used in the classroom, emphasizing digital technologies in the learning process, presenting an analysis on the use of computers in education and identifying this tool as being of great value in the construction of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Seegger, V., Canes, S. E., & Garcia, C. A. X. (2012). Estratégias tecnológicas na prática pedagógica. Monografias Ambientais, 8(8), 1887–1899.