A psicomotricidade como ferramenta da aprendizagem
Psychomotricity, Child Development, Learning, PCNsAbstract
The problem addressed in this work is the analysis of space need to unveil the design ofpsychomotor education expressed by teachers of early childhood education and to identify howthese professionals work the motor development of your students. The word comes from theGreek word psychépsychomotricity, alma, and the Latin verb bike move frequently. Thepsychomotricity took momentum in the early 20th century, in France, with the emergence ofseveral lines of thought, biomedical and psicopedagógico psychoanalytic. The type of appliedresearch in this work is exploratory in nature, having as referential theory, the methodology thetransversality, interdisciplinarity and present possible interfaces and collaborate to thecomprehensiveness and consistency of knowledge. However, the intervention of RelationalPsychomotricity favors this socialization can be used as a tool of intervention in education(NATIONAL CURRICULAR PARAMETERS, 1998).
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