Práticas de ensino a partir da inclusão do tema transversal pluralidade cultural: análise de projetos na Escola Estadual Dr. Fernando Abbott – São Gabriel/RS
Educational Projects, Cross-cutting Themes, Cultural PluralityAbstract
This article studies extracurricular projects developed at a Brazilian Public School name EscolaEstadual Dr Fernando Abbott located in São Gabriel, Rio Grande do Sul State, which had theintention to incorporate the Transversal Subjects, in special, the Cultural Plurality in its EducationalProgram. The available projects were evaluated as well as the interviews done with teachers andthe members of the Principal Office. After doing that we got to the conclusion that almost all theprojects have taken into consideration those Transversal Subjects and that Cultural Plurality wasaccomplished during the realization of the Project called “ConsciênciaNegra” (or BlackConsciousness) about African contribution to Brazilian Culture, including not only Art, History,Food, Religious aspects but also the situation of afro Brazilians into contemporary society. Thispaper has demonstrated how rich and meaningful this subject can be if we use it permanently.
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