Mata ciliar e as nascentes no município de Sapucaia do Sul – RS sob o olhar da educação ambiental


  • André Demichei Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Toshio Nishijima Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS



Environmental Education, Riparian forest, Springs, Adult education


This study had to aim verify the general conditions of conservation of some springs and its riparianareas along to analyze the knowledge the way of adult education students and confront practicesthat promote environmental education or that fail to promote causing impacts on theenvironment. It was raised a theoretical framework regarding the problem in question, if riparianvegetation and water sources, where like a source of study in the town was used “Morro deSapucaia” PRNP, where there are three springs. It was analyzed in situ these springs and theirconservation status, along with students and faced with a stream that crosses the urbanized area,this course which has their sources in the PRNP, noted the impact that suffers from human action.Also a questionnaire was administered for some teachers and students containing 10 questionsthat should be answered in a qualitative way, without interference from researcher. It is clear thatthe practices of environmental education are not being met, so there isn’t real capacity to spreadthese ideas, it is not enough knowledge about the subject, it is need to apply it.


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How to Cite

Demichei, A., & Nishijima, T. (2012). Mata ciliar e as nascentes no município de Sapucaia do Sul – RS sob o olhar da educação ambiental. Monografias Ambientais, 6(6), 1226–1237.

