Museu e teatro como práticas de educação ambiental


  • Lauren Kleinert Londero Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Jorge Orlando Cuellar Noguera Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS



Museum, Theatre, Environmental Education


The work is made in the Institute Padre Caetano because it doesn’t exist a work that use museumor theater like way of critic analysis of ambient problems of children of 3rd grade of school.In thisway, the work through of critic analysis in interventions of theater, in the museum, can showthough children’s song the importance of a good relationship between the men and the mennature,to make conscience to the children to reality of the environment in the they live. Itsearches to work of critic way, in the museum Vicente Pallotti, with the children of first grades ofschool, the relationship men-nature, discuss about the themes of the histories and do with thechildren create their own version of the same in the classroom; and for last to value the workmade.The importance of the proposed project is justified for the need of work the educationenvironment, beginning from the children, look at the construction of the citizenship through ofthe education, like instrument of participation, like go to the visit at museum and theatre practice,that make to wake up the interest of the children the preservation of the environment.The theaterlike instrument of information and participation, it has like objective, incentive the students tointeract with the school community, good like the diffusion of the ambient theme. Is the museuma help to the theatre action, certainly it illustrates what it is said, take it a games practice.Isnecessary that the children perceive the way in that they are get in, to wake up them to theimportance to keep the present and the future generations. It is important to that the perceptionis the first step to the people take conscience of the problems socio-environments making theeffort to make little positives change in them daily live, contributing to a bettering global.


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How to Cite

Londero, L. K., & Noguera, J. O. C. (2011). Museu e teatro como práticas de educação ambiental. Monografias Ambientais, 3(3), 525–531.




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