Práticas ambientais e melhoria da qualidade de vida dos catadores da Vila Maringá em Santa Maria, RS


  • Beatriz Pagnossin Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Jorge Orlando Cuellar Noguera Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS



Environmental Actions, Social Vulnerability, Conscientization


This paper, which is a result of the monograph entitled “Environmental practices andimprovement the quality of life of trash pickers from Maringá village in Santa Maria,RS”, was developed in this village marked by socio-environmental degradation, whereseveral trash pickers walk long distances to try, through their work, to support theirfamilies. Although their work is beneficial to the environment, they are not aware ofcaring for this environment, they are exposed to vulnerability. First, we developed anexploratory phase with visits to the trash pickers and approaches in the socioenvironmentalreality of the village in order to know their problems and to offer andimplement environmental actions. Therefore, we aimed to sensitize and raiseawareness of people through Environmental Education in which, through a new visionand changing attitudes, we aimed to teach how to care for environment, having as abasis their habitat, where we worked on themes in an interdisciplinary and holisticway. In the quantitative analysis, we observed drastic changes of values and love forlife in all dimensions. We verified then excellent results, such as: confidence, adhesion,responsibility, autonomy, self-esteem, interest and motivation.


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How to Cite

Pagnossin, B., & Noguera, J. O. C. (2011). Práticas ambientais e melhoria da qualidade de vida dos catadores da Vila Maringá em Santa Maria, RS. Monografias Ambientais, 2(2), 275–284.




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