Conscientização ambiental na Educação Infantil
Childhood education, Environmental education, Cachoeira do Sul, ThematicAbstract
The Preschool education is the first stage of school education. This work aims to introduce the realityof Environmental Education in Early Childhood Education through the development of Thematic withpractical activities and teaching, so that the child being aware of environmental problems in theirneighborhood and awoke the interest in environmental issues. This project began with a literaturesearch and exploratory conducted between March and May 2010 to verify the feasibility of thisproposal. The research was conducted in a School of Early Childhood Education at the periphery ofthe city of Cachoeira do Sul, south of Brazil. Were considered the opinion of 80 students agedbetween one and five years. Five Thematic containing educational learning activities and practicesconcerning the environment such as plants, animals, health, hygiene, water, care for theenvironment and where they live were worked. The proposal proved to be positive because thestudents showed much interest in the topic. They participated actively in all the activities withenthusiasm and dedication. With this study it is ended that the Environmental Education not only itcan, but it should be developed with children in this age group, because, besides the same ones theybe avid for new knowledge, the students of the school Pré presented the capacity to suggest of newactivities, besides to discuss and to point possible solutions for the presented environmentalproblems.Downloads
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