Sustainability and environmental awareness in the State School of Fundamental Education Waldemar Sampaio Barros
Environmental education, Sustainability, Organic residuesAbstract
With the growing concern with the natural resources, environmental education has been gaining importance in school learning. Simple practices such as the reuse of organic waste in the production of fertilizer and the correct separation of household waste are responsible attitudes that should be expected from a population concerned with the preservation of the environment. Thinking about contributing to human awareness in favor of the environment, academic course o Environmental Engineering UFSM - Campus of Frederico Westphalen began to work in a university extension project focused on practices on environmental education in public School Elementary School Waldemar Sampaio Barros, located in Oswaldo Cruz, District of FW/RS. Involving the students in lectures, recreational activities and the cultivation of a garden with organic production. The learning was clearly significant, since, the knowledge about sustainable practices among students has spread increasingly, as well as the changes of daily attitudes involving the separation of waste, care of the maintenance and the importance of horta school and the involvement of the school community that is committed to the teachings of the project. This way, it was observed that the effectiveness and scope of the work performed, a clear change in environmental awareness of those involved.Downloads
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