Rural feasts: media, festive dimension and social impact in two small communities in state of Rio Grande do Sul




Community events, Through media, Farmers


The work aims to analyze both rural festivities that take place in the cities of Sao Sepe and Rascal / RS, giving a focus on media means used and the extent that these parties bring to the regions. Community festivals that take place in these contexts reveal, for example, a form of collective effort that remains alive, showing the organization of the community. Regarding the festive meal is the quality of food served beautifully and sick way, that express the consideration for the guests. The food is a factor which brings together, in so far as the party gives rise to eating and drinking, presenting thus socializing character of the food. These community parties involve periods prior preparation, in which members of the community boards meet - are also part of this process spouses and often (the) daughters (the). Participation in party preparation does not constitute a remunerated activity, all farmers work for free, by the community. Aiming to achieve the party’s goals, either as disclosure of paper as is the case of the two events analyzed, or local income only.


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Author Biographies

Jordana Georgin, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Formada em Engenharia Florestal pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Mestre em Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Doutora em Engenharia Civil, pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria.

Cibele Bolzan Scherer, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

Médica Veterinária formada na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Mestre pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Extensão Rural pela mesma Universidade.


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How to Cite

Georgin, J., & Scherer, C. B. (2015). Rural feasts: media, festive dimension and social impact in two small communities in state of Rio Grande do Sul. Monografias Ambientais, 14(1), 115–122.




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