Management committees bowl: challenges and potential
Committees, Conflicts, ManagementAbstract
Increased environmental degradation leads to the search for new management methods aimed at sustainable development. In this context, arise river basin committees, which are provided for in the National Water Resources Management, which is the system created by the National Water Resources. The committees are collegiate bodies which are discussed regional issues related to water management as part of this system representatives of the Union, the states and the Federal District whose territories are situated, even partially, in their respective areas, the municipalities located in whole or in part, in its area of operation, the water users in its area of operation and civil entities of water resources with proven activities in the basin. The committees have multiple assignments, which are described in art. 19 of the State Law 10.350/94 - in the case of water resources policy of the State of Rio Grande do Sul fitting highlight its function of resolving conflicts. Possessing the potential to synthesize the guidelines, the committee set up in an institutional space which can be characterized as a decision-making arena for sharing interests and political integration of the sectors of water users and civil society. Thus, the success of its operation to some extent means the success of own water policy, especially with regard to the management decentralized and participatory. The challenge is that these spaces are effectively public, both in its format as the results, and such committees must undergo continuous evaluation of their social structure, from an analysis of their actions while organs that must function as a forum integrator policies, promoting the integrated and sustainable management of natural resources of the watershed, according to the guidelines of Water Resources.
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