Cálculo de índice orçamentário das instalações hidráulicas de uma construção, em função da área construída e do INCC
Budget, Budget worksheet, Cost, Index, Hydraulic installationsAbstract
The budget can be defined as the expected cost of a work (inputs and services) before its execution. To draw up a budget, it’s necessary to develop a sequence of consecutive tasks (to lift and meet deeply the spend of materials and services to be perform, the labor’s amount, the incidence of labor law, time of the equipaments, the financial and indirect administrative costs and the tax burden that will weigh on services. A budget can result in two opposing realities, when it is poorly designed, without defined criteria, it can causes damages, otherwise, it ensures profitability and the corporate survival. This study presents the index development derived from a spreadsheet budget that expresses the overall value for the execution of a plumbing work (results of compatibility between the quantity of materials and labour worksheet and unit cost spreadsheet) relative to its construction area. The project considered here is for comercial use, it has three floors an four offices for rental. This index makes possible to obtain a value close to estimate the real costs of a hydraulic system for a similar project, minimizing the execution budget time.
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