Practices of environmental awareness in the public schools of Round High / RS


  • Jordana Georgin Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS
  • Gyslaine Alves Oliveira Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS



Awareness, Environmental Education, Conservation, Public Schools


Environmental awareness aims to teach current and future generations the importance of the environment . Becoming extremely important to work with this theme in school , as it is a social space, and where the student will follow up their socialization process . Parallel to this , one must have research and extension activities in Public Institutions of Higher Education , it will have a continuity of teaching . Extension activities should meet the educational, cultural and scientific processes that provide the results of academic activities , aiming at cooperation and integration between the institutions and the society in which they operate , providing the scholar the opportunity to participate in interdisciplinary activities , inserting it into the theme of society and preparing them for the job market . The objective of this study was to disseminate the concepts of environmental awareness . The study was conducted with students from elementary and high school of the city of Ronda Alta Public Schools . The subjects covered were all related to the environment . Different responses of the students attended mainly due to year were observed. The future goal is to continue to work under the neighboring counties , to order to conduct a regional survey


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Author Biography

Jordana Georgin, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS

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How to Cite

Georgin, J., & Oliveira, G. A. (2014). Practices of environmental awareness in the public schools of Round High / RS. Monografias Ambientais, 13(3), 3378–3382.

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