Reuse of waste water
Sustainable development, Water conservation, Water reuse, Rainwater, GreywaterAbstract
Given that water is a limited natural resource essential to life, questions about the conservation and preservation of water resources has been the focus of studies by bodies which conservationists seek alternatives for better use of natural resources. The technologies use water solutions are sustainable and contribute to the rational use of water, providing the conservation of water resources for future generations. The continuous increase of the world population is responsible for the increasing scarcity of natural water and the improper disposal of wastewater, the heterogeneity in the distribution of water and lack of care in its use. Therefore, it is urgent to implement the water conservation and preservation of water sources, including mechanisms such as effective policies for water resources and their proper use mandatory adoption of water use adequate treatment of domestic and industrial sewage, and practices reuse. The study presents a survey on the concept of "water reuse", an analysis of this practice, and describes some technologies for treatment systems that allow the recirculation of the effluent, citing its stages, the processes used, advantages and disadvantages.
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