The impact of national guidelines for the humanistic formation of the undergraduate course in Public Administration of UFRRJ
projeto pedagógico, administração pública, formação humanística, UFRRJAbstract
This text aims to discuss the results of the reformulation of the pedagogical project of the 2017 Undergraduate Course in Public Administration at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ - in comparison with the 2010 pedagogical project and the criticisms contained about it in Baptista (2017). Methodologically, we analysed 38 subjects that make up students' training in credits contained in the PPCGAP, specifically, paying attention to the menus of 24 mandatory subjects regarding: general objective, specific objectives, menu, program content, bibliographical references. In the case of the new PPCGAP/2017 from UFRRJ, we can, in fact, situate a humanistic formation. In the basic training cycle, which runs from the first to the fourth period, almost 65% of the subjects address issues of social inequality, class, gender, race and sexuality. In the new PPCGAP / 2017 there is a clear and direct mention of the types of inequalities, violation of rights and the public manager's commitment to solving these and other problems. Finally, what we can see is that the new PPCGAP/2017 is guided in a humanistic, critical sense and situated in a democratic perspective in the context of combating social inequalities.
Key-words: pedagogical project, public administration, humanistic formation, UFRRJ.
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