Some Reflections on the Challenges for the School Teaching of Philosophy in the Society of Ignorance
Teaching of Philosophy, Basic Education, Agnotology, Society of Ignorance, Epistemic VicesAbstract
The present article presents brief reflections on the teaching of philosophy and its challenges in the society of ignorance. Considering the current societal scenario, where increasingly young people are connected and less concerned about the type of content they are receiving through networks, especially regarding the veracity of the information. An attitude of indifference towards the facts that surround us raises a warning sign about how we will deal with complex problems in the future, as superficial solutions become a more attractive possibility for young people using various networks. The society of ignorance highlights the fragilities of the present time, in addition to proposing that the increasingly less reflective use of available information means and the uncertainty of humans about the future are capable of driving a society where platforms control us and limit our search for knowledge. Finally, we suggest that the teaching of philosophy in basic education has emancipatory potential, as it contributes to the formation of critical thinking and especially by leading young people to not accept ready-made and superficial answers to complex problems, which demand a more rigorous stance in verifying facts. Despite the challenges encountered in the face of reforms and uncertainties about the future of philosophy in basic education, the fight for its maintenance is one of the defenses established at the end of this work.
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