The Event of bodies: thinking about education as a proposition




Event, Proposition, Body, Education, Art


What happens in learning environments? Faced with this question, we set ourselves on an investigative path that sought to understand the concept of Event from the Stoics to Deleuze. We identified in this idea a power to understand educational relations as a field of possibilities. The Event for the Stoics is the incorporeal that mobilizes the bodies in paths of being, whereas for Deleuze, in his reading of the Stoics, it is the meaning, the proposition that mobilizes the bodies in becoming. Given this understanding, we tried to make a genealogy of the concept while we could articulate it with the branches of education and the arts, which we come from. We understand that the Event mobilizes the subject because it is always present, current.



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Author Biography

Maiquel Cristian Reichert, University of São Paulo

Doutorando na Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil


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How to Cite

Reichert, M. C. (2023). The Event of bodies: thinking about education as a proposition. Revista Digital De Ensino De Filosofia - REFilo, 9(1), e2/1–21.



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