Experience report: are we free or fated? Method and didactic sequence of a classroom prepared for a class of 9th year of elementary education
Destiny, Experience report, FreedomAbstract
This article presents a report of an experience carried out with a group of the final year of Elementary School in Brazil (9th grade). The methodology used to perform the intervention was based on the assumption that the cultural universe of the student must be acknowledged so that the planning can be elaborated accordingly, with a view to developing the students’ autonomy. Hence, from a questionnaire with that intention, the class plan “Freedom vs. Destiny” was elaborated. The didactic steps were a combination of the sequences approached by Kohan (1999) based on Lipman (1995) and Trombetta (2002; 2013), which include: sensibilization, problematization, philosophical investigation and systematization. All students, to some extent, referred to the discussion as one of their favorite part of the class. One student specified that by putting into debate ideas that differ from their own enabled them to think beyond. This has attracted a great deal of attention, as one of the main objectives of a Philosophy class is to broaden our viewpoints on problems, which is what we intend to do, not to create a consensus, but rather to encourage each one to reflect on different points of view.Downloads
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