Pedagogy of the "presence": an approach to martin heidegger's "existential analysis" and their consequences in educational processes
Being-there, Other, DeathAbstract
We use the term pedagogy of "presence" to subtly bring Heidegger's thinking to the pedagogical and educational question. The objective of this work is to elucidate a possible reflection on some of the main concepts of Heidegger's philosophy, namely, "being-there", "world", "death", "care", "anguish" and "presence", in the educational processes. We believe that the author's proposal centralizes us in a critical bias towards scientific conventionalism in the face of traditional educational processes. In short, we defend the idea that this analysis puts us in problems that consider humanism and axiological with a key point for an "other thinking" of education, having its most important incidence, in otherness.Downloads
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