Notes on Shakespeare in post-war Britain: from internationalisation to rewritings




William Shakespeare, Canon, Modern theatre, British theatre


This article aims at characterising some defining moments in the process of Shakespeare’s “canonisation”, departing from modern British theatre and the rewriting of Shakespearean material, conducted from the mid-20th century onwards. The internationalisation of the playwright’s work, as well as his critical appraisal from Bernard Shaw, and the totalising analysis by Jan Kott are prologues to portraying Shakespeare’s revival in the post-war context, characterized by constant pairing and contradictions between traditional and new, canonical and modern, a moment which made possible a fruitful aesthetic and political utilisation of the Shakespearean material.


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How to Cite

Souza, J. R. da S. (2024). Notes on Shakespeare in post-war Britain: from internationalisation to rewritings. Letras, (67), 138–148.