Digital literacies in initial language teacher education: action research at two public universities in Rio de Janeiro




Digital literacies, Digital technologies, Initial language teacher education


Initial language teacher education in cyberculture should encompass not only linguistic and pedagogical knowledge, but also knowledge about the integration of digital technologies to the teaching/learning process and the development of digital literacies of these future teachers, so that they can, in turn, work with digital literacies practices in Basic Education (with their own learners). Thus, this article aims to share the results of action research studies in progress at two public universities in Rio de Janeiro related to the initial training of language teachers for the critical appropriation of these technologies by these ELT undergraduates.


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Author Biography

Janaína da Silva Cardoso, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Janaína Cardoso, DipRSA (Royal Society of Arts – University of Cambridge); Master in English and Doctor in Linguistic Studies from UFF; Associate Professor and Director of the Institute of Letters at UERJ; UERJ Proscientist and CNPq scholarship holder; leader of the CNPq research group: EAL - Language teaching and learning; coordinator of the CEALD Project - Collaboration, Learning Strategies and Digital Literacy and participant in the ANPOLL WG: Training Educators in Applied Linguistics.


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2022-12-21 — Updated on 2023-01-09


How to Cite

Rabello, C. R. L., & Cardoso, J. da S. (2023). Digital literacies in initial language teacher education: action research at two public universities in Rio de Janeiro. Letras, 22–41. (Original work published December 21, 2022)