Students' perceptions about school and non-school literacy practices with digital technologies in an English clu




Literacies, Digital technologies, English club, Literacy practices


The article problematizes meanings attributed by students to digital technologies (DT) in school and non-school literate practices according to their participation in an English club. Based on the sociocultural approach to literacies and with an ethnographic perspective, we conducted a semi-structured interview with three members of the club around literate practices with DT developed in that context. Based on qualitative interpretations, the results point to ways of inserting subjects into school and non-school literate practices with TD; valuation of DT literate practices, when innovative and; criticisms of ways of teacher and student appropriation of DT.


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How to Cite

Vicentini, M. A., & Fischer, A. (2022). Students’ perceptions about school and non-school literacy practices with digital technologies in an English clu. Letras, 4–21.