Technology-mediated task-based learning: creating affordances for English language development in digital intercultural encounters




Affordances, Intercultural encounters, Technology-mediated Task-based Learning, Complexity ESL


This study investigates affordances provided by Technology-Mediated Task-Based Learning (TBL) for language development in an online English as a Second Language class with multinational students in a US university context. From a complexity perspective, this study analyzes whether Technology-Mediated TBL helps build trust and confidence among learners enhancing intercultural and symbolic awareness. We used a netnographic methodology, adapting ethnography to include the influence of the internet in technology-mediated environments. Findings showed that Technology-Mediated TBL provides conditions for intercultural encounters. The task cycle allows the emergence of affordances for learners to build confidence and trust while engaged in language development practices.


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Author Biographies

Juarez Aloizo Lopes, Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense, Pelotas, RS

Holds a Ph.D. in Languages from the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel) and was a visiting scholar at the Berkeley Language Center (USA). He is an ESL teacher at the Federal Institute of Education and Technology (IFSul) in Pelotas (Brazil).

Rafael Vetromille Castro, Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, RS

Rafael Vetromille-Castro holds a Ph.D. in Education Technology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) and developed a post-doctoral project as a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley (USA). He is an associate professor and Applied Linguistics researcher at the Federal University of Pelotas teaching both at the undergraduate course in language teacher education and at the graduate program in languages.


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2022-12-21 — Updated on 2023-01-10


How to Cite

Lopes, J. A., & Castro, R. V. (2023). Technology-mediated task-based learning: creating affordances for English language development in digital intercultural encounters. Letras, 90–105. (Original work published December 21, 2022)