"Angústia de Fausto" (2004), by Paula Matroberti, and the revisitation of the canon
Canon, Contemporary youth narrative, Reader training, Paula MastrobertiAbstract
O This study aims the work Angústia de Fausto (2004), by Paula Mastroberti, from the intertextuality it performs with Goethe's Faust. Based on bibliographic research with content analysis, the objective of this study is to verify how the narrative appropriates some themes present in the canonical work, revisited in the contemporary context, which can bring the young reader closer to the German classic. The resources used by the author for the composition of the narrative are analyzed in order to highlight the potentiality of using the work in a school setting, highlighting the presence of visual resources and the narrative focus, among other elements. As a result, it is verified that the analyzed work, besides stimulating the reader to perceive the intertexts with the German classic, also stimulates him to interact with the non-verbal language present in the work, building the senses through a multimodal and intertextual reading.
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