Determiner phrase in the Romance languages: emergence, historical change and structure on the left edge of the NP


  • Carlos Silva Universidade do Porto



Definite articles, DP hypothesis, Synthatic change


The studies on Romance languages evolution links erosion of the casual system, the increase of the use of prepositions, a more rigid word order and the appearance of definite and indefinite articles. This last phenomenon constitutes clear evidence of the emergence of the functional projection D(eterminer) P(hrase). This paper seeks to investigate the causes and effects of the emergence of this functional category in the nominal structure of the Romance languages, especially as regards the position of the articles in the DP. The combination of the theoretical proposals with the data analyzed points to the emergence of DP as a phenomenon of split of nominal inflection and to the placement of the definite articles in AgrP.


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2020-10-13 — Updated on 2022-07-28


How to Cite

Silva, C. (2022). Determiner phrase in the Romance languages: emergence, historical change and structure on the left edge of the NP. Letras, (60), 201–222. (Original work published October 13, 2020)