Household objects and their affective dynamics in contemporary portuguese narratives
Household objects, Affectivity, António Lobo Antunes, Portuguese LiteratureAbstract
This article analyzes the affective dynamics of household objects in different narratives of the contemporary Portuguese writer António Lobo Antunes, based on some of Deleuze and Guattari’s formulations on “smooth” and “striated”, some formulations by Abraham Moles on “kitsch” also on Jean Baudrillard’s considerations on “system of objects”. The analysis carried out on five of Lobo Antunes’ literary works (What can I do when everything’s on fire?, Exhortation to crocodiles, My name is legion, I have to love a stone and What are those horses that make shadow at sea?) indicates that, in the insufficiency or absence of human affection, these objects, once converted in “objects of esteem”, occupy in these fictions the place of that absent other that never responds to the character’s demands of affection and attention.Downloads
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