Chaucer Criollo: employing oral poetry and music in the translation of Canterbury tales


  • José Francisco Botelho UFRGS.



Geoffrey Chaucer. Translation. Popular poetry.


This paper analyzes formal poetic lexicon-related features used in my translation of Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, published by Penguin Company in 2013. Aiming to produce the double effect of familiarity and strangeness on modern brazilian reader, I resorted to literary procedures inspired by popular poetry and some genres of regionalist music from different places in Brazil. Such procedures include the use of assonant rhyme and the insertion of words from regional dialects into specific passages of the work. I discuss the changeable form of the assonant rhyme in the history of literary forms, especially its disfavor along the nineteenth century, and I quote instances of its use in Brazilian popular songs during the twentieth century, connecting these elements to selected excerpts from The Cantebury Tales.


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Author Biography

José Francisco Botelho, UFRGS.

Escritor, tradutor e jornalista. Mestre em Literatura Comparada pela UFRGS, instituição à qual está atualmente ligado como Doutorando, desenvolvendo uma tese sobre sua tradução de Contos da Cantuária. É ganhador de dois troféus Jabuti.


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BARRINGTON, Candace. Global Chaucers. IN: ASHTON, Gayl (editor). Medieval Afterlives in Contemporary Culture. New York: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2015.

BARRINGTON, Candace. Global medievalism and translation. IN:_D’ARCENS, Louise (editor). The Cambridge Companion to medievalism. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016.

BERTUSSI, Lisana. Poesia gauchesca: as fontes populares e o romantismo. EDUCS, Caxias do Sul, 2012.

CASTILHO, A.F. Tratado de metrificação portugueza. Lisboa: Casa dos Editores, 1858.

CHAUCER, Geoffrey. Contos da Cantuária. Tradução de José Francisco Botelho. Penguin Companhia: São Paulo, 2013.

CHAUCER, Geoffrey. The Canterbury Tales: a selection. Penguin Books: Londres, 1996.

COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor. Biographia Literaria: Project Gutenberg, 1817.

JUVENAL, Amaro. Antônio Chimango e outros textos. Ensaio e notas de Luís Augusto Fischer. Porto Alegre: Artes e Ofícios, 2000.


BASTOS, Luiz. Canção: Louco por Chamamé. IN: As Melhores Canções Gaúchas, vol.2. USA Discos: Porto Alegre, sd.

GUARANY, Noel. Canção: Filosofia Gaudério. IN: Sem Fronteira. EMI/Odeon: Rio de Janeiro, 1975.

GONZAGA, Luiz e BARBALHO, Nelson. Canção: A Morte do Vaqueiro. IN: Gonzagão e Gonzaguinha. EMI/Odeon: Rio de Janeiro, 1981.



How to Cite

Botelho, J. F. (2018). Chaucer Criollo: employing oral poetry and music in the translation of Canterbury tales. Letras, (55), 73–86.