PROPOSAL FOR TEACHING VOLLEYBALL: a theoretical essay based on praxeological concepts and teaching methodologies centered on the understanding of the game
Motor Praxiology, understanding, Volleyball, StudentsAbstract
In the national scenario, there is a growing emergence of research that aims to break with fragmented teaching and repetitive execution of movements in the teaching of collective sports modalities. Linked to this, we observed an increase in studies related to Pierre Parlebas' theory of Motor Praxiology, to understand the structures and dynamics of the functioning of these body practices. Thus, the objective of this article is to present a theoretical essay on the teaching of volleyball in an educational institution focused on leisure. From the praxiological analysis of volleyball, approximations were made with elements of two methodologies centered on the understanding of the game: Teaching Games for Understanding and Teaching Team Sports. The proposition was structured from four moments: 1) The understanding of the complexity of the game; 2) The relevance of communication in the socio-motor practices of teammates and opponents; 3) The understanding of the range of motor actions and rules of action; 4) The reflection on the roles and sub roles of formalized volleyball. This essay allowed us to establish a theoretical and methodological dialogue with clues about possible ways of renewing the teaching of collective modalities, emphasizing the understanding of the game and the centrality of the student/player to assist in the pedagogical choices of the teacher.
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