Praxiologia motriz, Equoterapia, Lógica internaAbstract
This article is instigated especially by Pierre Parlebas's Motor Praxiology (PM) contextualizing the degree of commitment of PM or motor action science in unveiling the constituent actions of a specific motor situation: Hippotherapy. The objective was to understand the internal logic of this motor practice in the set of its relations and observable actions.The methodological procedure was the praxiological analysis of how a team of equine therapy involved with this equestrian practice conceives its doing and thinking. The research subjects were ten hippotherapy agents who participate in the hippotherapy service program of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). The praxeological analysis was marked by the interpretative observation of hippotherapy motor meanings (actions); by the praxiological view of agents within this specific situation. Knowing this process, we indicate the conditions for observing and listening to the regular driving actions, standardized by these agents, thus allowing us to look at the course of actions defined according to the internal logic of the analyzed situation. We claim, then, that it is possible to know the internal logic of Hippotherapy from the motive actions, bodily relationships and significant spatial notions of the investigated hippotherapy agents.
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