The historical and constitutive representations of International and Gremio in football of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and their social aspects


  • Vinícius Triches Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy (UK)
  • Ancilla Dall´Onder Zat Faculdade da Serra Gaúcha (FSG)



Football, Representations, Society, Fan


Football, as a sport of undisputed social relevance, it has permeated different interpretations of the relationships it ends up generating, among which are the representations that define important aspects in the popular imagination. Based on an exploratory and bibliographic research, in this work, we sought to understand the historical and constitutive representations in the context of football in Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), considering as mean actors the main clubs (Gremio and Internacional). It was noticed that the representations related to the origins of the clubs, according to the social classes involved and the ways of playing football adopted, consolidated the imaginary of the fans of the clubs, reinforcing their rivalry between them and experiencing aspects to always be taken up, despite of the fact that currently can be questioned based on new evidences.


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How to Cite

Triches, V., & Dall´Onder Zat, A. (2021). The historical and constitutive representations of International and Gremio in football of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) and their social aspects. Kinesis, 39(1).



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