Comparison of Fatigue Values in Vertical Jumps Between Adult Women and Pre-Public Students in a Public School


  • Samuel Klippel Prusch Centro Universitário Cenecista de Osório - UNICNEC
  • Igor Martins Barbosa Centro Universitário Cenecista de Osório - UNICNEC
  • Luiz Fernando Cuozzo Lemos Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM



Fatigue, Children, Maturation, Adult


The objective of the study was to compare values of fatigue in vertical jumps between adult women and prepubescent students of a public school. Muscle fatigue was analyzed through the power of lower limbs by the protocol of vertical jumps of 30 seconds. 16 adult women and 14 students participated. For the comparison of groups and variables related to jumps, the t test for independent samples was used, with a level of 5% for all tests. The values of height of jumps and power of lower limbs are affected by the establishment of fatigue evaluated by the test in both groups.


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How to Cite

Prusch, S. K., Barbosa, I. M., & Lemos, L. F. C. (2018). Comparison of Fatigue Values in Vertical Jumps Between Adult Women and Pre-Public Students in a Public School. Kinesis, 36(3).



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