Systematic review: ketogenic diet and its performance implications


  • Ana Paula Dahlke Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Kelly Ribeiro de Freitas Viana Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Ketogenic Diet. Athletic Performance. Exercise. Physical Education and Training.


Glycogen is energy source for human muscle activities. Rich carbohidrate diets allow the storage and release of glycogens to the body. Ketogenic diets reduce the glycogen stocks but allow the organism to use body fat as substract. The objective of this work is to identify if feeding changes can influence the performance. Metodology: Systematic review of PubMed database. Results: It was found 100 studies about this subject. Five were selected as base for this article. Conclusion: This type of dietetic intervention allows the lose of body fat keeping the muscle structure built with training without affecting the performance.


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How to Cite

Dahlke, A. P., & Viana, K. R. de F. (2018). Systematic review: ketogenic diet and its performance implications. Kinesis, 36(1).


