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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The work must be original and unpublished, and it cannot be in process of evaluation by another journal. Otherwise, must be justified in “Comments to the editor”
  • The files for submission must be in the Microsoft Word, Open Office, or RTF format (as long as the documents do not exceed 2MB)
  • The text must follow the style standard and bibliographic requirements described in Author Guidelines, in the About page of the journal.

  • Tools applied to detect plagiarism, Turnitin.

  • Ethics Committee: Ethical criterion of the research must be respected within the terms of the 196/96 and 251/97 Resolutions of the Conselho Nacional de Saúde (National Health Council). When the research involves experiments with human beings, the authorship must address, as a “supplementary document”, the assessment of a recognized Ethics Committee or a declaration that the procedures used in the research are in accordance with the ethical principles in the resolutions.
  • Clinical trials: The Kinesis journal follows the clinical trial registration policies according to the World Health Organization (WHO) and, the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), recognizing the importance of these initiatives for the international registration and dissemination of accessible clinical trial information. Therefore, since 2007, only clinical research articles that have received an identification number in one of the clinical trial records validates by the criteria established by the WHO and ICMJE will be accepted for publication, that are available on the ICMJE website ( The identification number must be added to the abstract.
  • The Kinesis journal will publish, at most, two works from the same author or coauthor per year, as well as evaluate up to two articles from the same author or coauthor, concurrently. Therefore, before initiating the submission process the authors must check these requirements.

Author Guidelines


The Kinesis journal will publish, at most, two works by the same authorship or co-authorship per year, as well as evaluate up to two articles by the same authorship and co-authorship simultaneously. Therefore, before initiating the submission process the one responsible must check the authorship status of the authors involved.

The authorship must be registered on ORCID. To register, you need to go to and follow the steps and fill in the gaps.

To start the submission on the SEER platform is necessary to fill in the following information:


Authorship: Full name; Institution/Affiliation; Lattes URL; ORCID iD; Electronic address and correspondence address; Country; Biographical résumé

Titles and abstracts


Development Agencies (if there are)


After filling in the metadata in English the authorship must include the title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese and Spanish.

Works with four or more authors: In manuscripts by 4 (four) or more authors must specify individual responsibilities according to CRediT, during its execution, in the gap Comments for the editor, at the bottom of the page Step 1. Starting the submission.

Financial support: It is obligatory to inform in the manuscript, in the form of a footnote on the first page, and in Step 3. Metadata Inclusion. Include, in the specific gap ‘Development Agencies’, information about any financial support received to the development of the work, mentioning the Development Agencies, if there are.

Observation: The works that do not attend this structure will be sent back to the authorship without the merit evaluation.


The manuscripts can be written in English, Portuguese or Spanish and must be in the Times New Roman font, size 12, 1,5 spacing, according to the numbers of characters indicated for each section. Utilize italics only on foreign words. The text editor must be Word for Windows 6.0 or subsequent. It is obligatory that all the information in the manuscript is included in the template (standardized document) available at the link: TEMPLATE.

The works submitted in English or Spanish, after approval, must send a certification that the manuscript was professionally reviewed in that language, this document must be signed by a professional or a company. The texts must be structured according to the following orientations.

Titles, keywords, and abstracts

Title in English, Portuguese and Spanish that identify the theme, containing at most 100 characters.

Abstracts: Must be presented an informative abstract along with its translations for Portuguese and Spanish, including the following aspects: objective, methodology, results, and conclusion. Each abstract must contain a maximum of 150 words.

Keywords: Must contain a maximum of four terms that can identify the works themes in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, being separated by semicolon. Use as a reference the Descritores em Ciências da Saúde (DeCS) (Health Sciences Descriptors) available at:

Financial support: Information about any kind of financial support offered to the development of the manuscript must be included as a final note, after de references, mentioning the Development Agency, edict, and process number. If the work was developed without financial support, add the following information in the system as well as in the manuscript (last page) “This work did not have financial support of any kind for its realization”.

Section Policies

ORIGINAL ARTICLES: Consists of manuscripts that result from the analysis of original data from empirical research, related to the pedagogical, biological, behavioral, sociocultural, historic, and political aspects of Physical Education. The article must contain the following: introduction; theoretical bases; methodology; analysis; discussion and final considerations/conclusion. The manuscript must contain a maximum of 35,000 characters (with spaces) including titles, abstracts, keywords (Portuguese, English, and Spanish), photographs, figures, graphs, tables, and references.

ESSAYS: Original texts that carry out theoretical reflections on a well-defined theme related to the field of Physical Education. Authors can defend a thesis on a topic in their domain by answering a question, supported by a consistent empirical and bibliographic base. The manuscript must contain a maximum of 35,000 characters (with spaces) including titles, abstracts, keywords (Portuguese, English, and Spanish), photographs, figures, graphs, tables, and references.

REVIEWS: Manuscripts resulting from reviews aim to present readers to important Physical Education works, in any language, that were published in the last 36 months, considering the date of the submission. The manuscript must stablish the relevance of the work for Physical Education and its related areas, as well as for the specific academic field in which is inserted, carrying out critical discussions about it. The focus of the reviews will be titles of academic interest. The manuscript must contain a maximum of 13,000 characters (with spaces) including titles, abstracts, keywords (Portuguese, English, and Spanish), references, and the complete reference of the work reviewed.

INTERVIEWS: Manuscripts resulting from interviews conducted with researchers from the field of physical education and its related areas, national and internationally renowned. The manuscript must contain a maximum of 35,000 characters (with spaces) including titles, abstracts, keywords (Portuguese, English, and Spanish), photographs, figures, graphs, tables, and references.

EXPERIMENT REPORT: Original manuscript resulting from experiments related to Pedagogical Work in Physical Education conducted in school and non-school spaces. The text must present details about: the context of the experiment; the pedagogical and theoretical principles that guide the institution's proposition and action/activities; leading actions/activities implemented and the achieved results; critical analysis of the experiment; final considerations. The manuscript must contain a maximum of 25,000 characters (with spaces) including titles, abstracts, keywords (Portuguese, English, and Spanish), photographs, figures, graphs, tables, and references.

Text itself

* Quotes in the text must follow the NBR 10520 and NBR 6023 norms.

* Illustrations: Photographs, drawings, graphs, and any other form of illustration must be presented in sequence, numbered by Arabic digits. Any illustrations must guarantee perfect reproduction, be properly titled and with the sources of reference accordingly indicated, in font Times New Roman, size 12.

* Tables: The same rule of the illustrations, tables must be presented in a numbered sequence using Arabic digits with titles and references in the Times New Roman font, size 12. As well as complying to the IBGE’s Tables Representation Rules.

The metadata must include:

- Full name(s) of the author(s).

- Institutional affiliation.

- Electronic and correspondence addresses.

Authors, titles, abstracts, descriptors must be added in the “Enter metadata” step in the submission process:

Title that identifies the content in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.


At the end of the article, the references to the works and documents quoted in the text must be included in alphabetical order, properly aligned to the left margin according to the NBR 6023, that are exemplified below. If the quoted document is online its link must be active and insert de access date (Available at: ………. Accessed on: …………...).



All manuscripts submitted to the Kinesis journal will undergo an editorial review, being up to the editors of each field a preliminary analysis regarding the pertinence/adequacy to the journal´s scope. After that the manuscripts will be forwarded to two specialists from the reviewer team or the ad hoc experts through the per review process. When evaluations are opposed the work will be sent to a third reviewer, before the final decision from the editors is made. The original manuscript submitted for publication will be accepted for analysis if:

  • Has not been published or is being simultaneously submitted in another journal.
  • The opinions issued by the authorship are exclusively their responsibility.
  • The formal presentation of the work is according to all the indications of these Editorial Guidelines.

In case of acceptance the authorship will be notified via email, to carry out the necessary corrections. The authors will be notified, via email, of the acceptance (or refusal) of their submissions.

Slight modifications to the text may be made at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief and/or Associate Editors. The Kinesis journal reserves the right to make normative, grammatical, and orthographic alterations in the original works, to maintain the formal standard of the language, respecting, however, the style of the authorship.  

After the review and acceptance of the manuscript, the works in English or Spanish, must send a certification that the manuscript was professionally reviewed in that language, this document must be signed by a professional or a company.

When substantial changes in the manuscript need to be made the authorship will be notified, via email, and will oversee these alterations. At the end of the review process, the authorship must send a new version of the work in the System as well as via email within the period defined by the system.

A final, edited, version will be available to the authorship in the system, waiting for their approval before the online publication. The manuscript must follow the ethics criteria and meet the basic guidelines for integrity in scientific activity described by the Comissão de Integridade do CNPq (link to the guidelines designed by CNP

Reviewers – Must proceed with the review of the works, considering as a base the parameters proposed by Porto and Gurgel (2018) *.

Plagiarism tracking – The editorial committee will perform a brief evaluation regarding plagiarism. However, the reviewer can also be alert to this matter and evaluate these aspects when there are signs of plagiarism.

Quotes and reference checking – The technical aspects of the quotes and references will be reviewed by the editorial team, but the responsibility for the accuracy of the informed data is the authorship’s. However, the specificity and the moment of insertion of the sources used should be considered by the reviewer.

Superficial read of the manuscript – The general read will allow the evaluator to recognize the following aspects: if the main idea of the text is clear and sufficiently argued; the correct use of the language (Portuguese or Spanish); and the structure and general organization of the manuscript.

In depth read – In this step the evaluator must pay attention to the epistemological and theoretical aspects in the manuscript, as well as how these elements are managed in the new production of knowledge presented. The following topics detail specifically this moment of the evaluation.

Detection and analysis of the initial aspects of the work: problem, objectives, hypothesis, justification, and relevance – Check if the main and secondary problems of the study are presented in a coherent and clear way, supported, and justified by the field’s literature. Based on these elements the relevance of the study will also be confirmed.

Methodology, results, and discussions – The manuscript will have to demonstrate clarity and theoretical support in the methodology, presenting it coherently to the problems of the study, that is, the methodology should show how the study’s questions will be answered. The results and discussions must bring the advancements that research presents compared to previous studies.

Abstract and Keywords – The abstract must be coherent with the text, as well as clearly present the central aspects of the manuscript, especially the objectives, methodology, major results, and conclusions. The keywords must express the theme and focal terms of the research, having as a reference the Health Sciences Descriptors.

* PORTO, F; GURGEL, J.L. Sugestão de roteiro para avaliação de um artigo científico. Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte, v40, n. 2, p. 111-116, apr./jun. 2018.

Original articles

Consists of manuscripts that result from the analysis of original data from empirical research, related to the pedagogical, biological, behavioral, sociocultural, historic, and political aspects of Physical Education. The article must contain the following: introduction; theoretical bases; methodology; analysis; discussion and final considerations/conclusion. The manuscript must contain a maximum of 35,000 characters (with spaces) including titles, abstracts, keywords (Portuguese, English, and Spanish), photographs, figures, graphs, tables, and references.


Original texts that carry out theoretical reflections on a well-defined theme related to the field of Physical Education. Authors can defend a thesis on a topic in their domain by answering a question, supported by a consistent empirical and bibliographic base. The manuscript must contain a maximum of 35,000 characters (with spaces) including titles, abstracts, keywords (Portuguese, English, and Spanish), photographs, figures, graphs, tables, and references.


Manuscripts resulting from reviews aim to present readers to important Physical Education works, in any language, that were published in the last 36 months, considering the date of the submission. The manuscript must stablish the relevance of the work for Physical Education and its related areas, as well as for the specific academic field in which is inserted, carrying out critical discussions about it. The focus of the reviews will be titles of academic interest. The manuscript must contain a maximum of 13,000 characters (with spaces) including titles, abstracts, keywords (Portuguese, English, and Spanish), references, and the complete reference of the work reviewed.


Manuscripts resulting from interviews conducted with researchers from the field of physical education and its related areas, national and internationally renowned. The manuscript must contain a maximum of 35,000 characters (with spaces) including titles, abstracts, keywords (Portuguese, English, and Spanish), photographs, figures, graphs, tables, and references.

Experiment report

Original manuscript resulting from experiments related to Pedagogical Work in Physical Education conducted in school and non-school spaces. The text must present details about: the context of the experiment; the pedagogical and theoretical principles that guide the institution's proposition and action/activities; leading actions/activities implemented and the achieved results; critical analysis of the experiment; final considerations. The manuscript must contain a maximum of 25,000 characters (with spaces) including titles, abstracts, keywords (Portuguese, English, and Spanish), photographs, figures, graphs, tables, and references.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for any other purposes or to third parties.