Considerations about the role of educational policies on the access to higher education in the international migration of brazilians
International migration, Student migration, Educational policiesAbstract
The migration of Brazilians, who leave their country in search of better living conditions, has been showing that the need for insertion in the world of work is not the only factor that influences this decision making. In recent years, it became clearer that cases where the motivation was the way in which educational policies were historically structured in Brazil and it is in order to contribute to this debate that we present this article, whose main objective is to discuss the migration of Brazilians, to Latin-American nations, due to the educational policies of access to the university that act as an expulsion factor. This work was built from the reading of bibliographic references referring to the theme and interviews with Brazilians who immigrated to Rosario, in the Argentine province of Santa Fé, to study medicine at the National University of Rosario (Universidad Nacional de Rosario). The results of the research showed that the way educational policies are organized in Brazil contributes to the maintenance of social inequality and the elite of universities and that migration was the only way for the interviewees to have access to an education of quality at a public university, free of charges and without exclusionary selective processes, since in Argentina education, from the basic level to the superior, is treated as a human right inherent to all, including foreigners.
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