The psychopedagogue and interventions in learning difficulties
Psychopedagogue, Learning difficulties, Psychopedagogical interventions;Abstract
This research was based on a proposal of observation of the psychopedagogue and on the interventions and learning difficulties. This research aimed to diagnose the harmful factors that interfere with learning, evaluating the psychopedagogical approach to learning difficulties, development processes and learning paths in the school, family and affective, cognitive and biological contexts. In this study, a bibliographic review of several authors such as BOSSA (2000); FREINET (2002); among others that contributed to a reflection on aspects related to learning difficulties, as well as the importance of Psychopedagogy in establishing guidelines for the resolution of these difficulties. In the pedagogical space, the reflection arises that the school has the primary task of “rebuilding” the role and figure of the student, providing him with being the creator and protagonist of his knowledge. Leading students to think and seek information for their educational, cultural and personal development is one of the basic skills of education.
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