Multiprofessional health care in maternal and child care: experience report
Equipe Multiprofissional, Serviços de Saúde Materno-Infantil, Dieta Saudável, Câncer MamárioAbstract
This is an experience report, with the objective of promoting educational activities in a playful way addressing current and relevant topics with a focus on women’s and children’s health carried out in August and October 2021 at the UBS, promoted by residents of a Hospital Child Friend. Two actions were carried out: one focused on child health on healthy eating with 3 scavenger hunts (target shooting, bowling and “what is this food?”) and another focused on women’s health addressing the topic of breast cancer prevention promoted especially in the month of October. The competitions provided the children with critical reflection on healthy food choices, while the time with the women was observed to break the taboo in relation to care in the prevention of breast cancer and greater interaction between participants and residents through the dialogic method. Finally, learning took place in a mutual way, emphasizing the construction of knowledge on both sides (residents and participants).
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