Description of scenaries of learning-service in the university


  • Marta Liesa Orús


Learning-service, Needs educational specials, University quality.


During this article, we pretend to show an experience of learning-service which it is carried but since ten years in an education Faculty of Huesca in Zaragoza University, Spain. The pedagogic proposit has two main aims, in one hand, to compensate the needs of three sectors of population with discapacity:gipsies and inmigrants, trying to sort them up their social integration and improving their quality of life as bug as the design of a serie of scenaries of social inclusion as “independent proyect life and the radio programme “the hoya ́s bandits” and “workshop of literary creation”. On the other hand, these same scenaries should be useful for students of magistery who could make them to achieve a serial of competences that it could be sally difficult to achieve across a magisterial class.


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How to Cite

Orús, M. L. (2009). Description of scenaries of learning-service in the university. Special Education Magazine, 22(35). Retrieved from