Brazilian sign language and cochlear implant: case report


  • Michelle Nave Valadao HCRP-USP
  • Jilma Andrade Nomura Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo
  • Debora Hungria Mazer Clínica, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo
  • Myriam de Lima Isaac Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo



Deafness, Cochlear implant, Brazilian Sign Language.


The auditory loss is one of the more common sensorial privations in the men. The main consequence of the auditory loss inhabits consequent in its repercussion on the development of the verbal language and intervening with all the process of learning of the reading and writing. The cochlear implant is an electronic device, partially implanted, that it aims at to provide to its users next auditory sensation the physiological one. Deep interim is a good option to the carriers of neurossensorial deafness, it does not assure the development of the auditory abilities and verbal language. Thus, for not developing the verbal language, the individuals with cochlear implant cannot be private of the possibility of the acquisition and the development of the language; therefore they can make this using one another form of communication - the language of signals. The objective of this story is to describe the experience of the attendance to multidiscipline of a using child of cochlear implant. B.V.S.R eight years, masculine, carrying sort of bilateral deep neurossensorial loss auditory since the neonatal period. It carried through surgery of cochlear implant to the three years of age being folloied according to aurioral boarding. Had to presented overhead, case with the team was argued to multidiscipline and determined to modify the boarding, opting itself to initiating learning of Brazilian Sign Language. After a period of two years according to new boarding, the child presented considerable evolution in all the aspects of the development. The boarding change influenced positively in the evolution of the child, therefore the same one reached adequate performance in diverse linguistic abilities.


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Author Biography

Michelle Nave Valadao, HCRP-USP

Doutoranda em Neurociencias pelo Departamento de Neurociencias e Ciencias do Comportamento da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirao Preto da Universidade de Sao Paulo.

Fonoaudiologa contratada do Serviço de Fonoaudiologia divisao de Otorrinolaringologia do Hospital das Clinicas de Ribeirao Preto - HCRP



How to Cite

Valadao, M. N., Nomura, J. A., Mazer, D. H., & Isaac, M. de L. (2012). Brazilian sign language and cochlear implant: case report. Special Education Magazine, 25(42), 89–100.