Behavioral Skills Training on Precise Teaching of Repertoires by Pedagogy Students
Autism Spectrum Disorder, BST, DTTAbstract
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is addressed to human issues, including the treatment of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This research assessed the efficacy of BST on the training of two Pedagogy students to accurately teach narrative retelling of stories and answering questions via discrete trial teaching (DTT) to an experimenter and two children with ASD (in post-training generalization probe). ABA procedures may produce improvement in narrative organization and coherence, implying social and academic gains of textual comprehension. This justifies the definition of future education professionals as training participants, and who may in the future perform one-to-one interventions during school hours. In this research, BST involved components of didactic instruction, modeling, role play and performance feedback. During baseline, no student showed accurate teaching to the experimenter. When BST training stages with feedback by trial and by trial block were defined, both students demonstrated accurate teaching over 90% DTT components implemented correctly. There was generalization of accurate teaching to two children with ASD involving a new story. Maintenance was demonstrated two weeks later. The students evaluated their training positively through a self-assessment questionnaire. Limitations and recommendations for future investigations were discussed.
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