Evaluating actions for more effective teaching of Mathematics to students with cerebral palsy
Mathematics Teaching, Inclusive Education, Cerebral PalsyAbstract
This is an excerpt from a doctoral thesis that categorized actions that allow a more effective teaching of Mathematics for people with cerebral palsy (CP). The objective of this text is to present the evaluation, made by Mathematics teachers, of some actions found during the development of the aforementioned thesis, which had the contribution of 11 students with CP and 13 Mathematics teachers who had students with this specificity. These actions, suggested by the participants during the research, were later evaluated by 58 Mathematics teachers from different Brazilian regions through the application of an electronic form so that, in this way, it could obtain greater reach. The evaluation took place through the attribution of a ranking from one to five, adopting the Likert Scale as a reference, which allowed classifying the actions from very irrelevant to very relevant. To analyze the scale attributed to each action, Textual Discursive Analysis was used. In this analysis, it was possible to verify that the actions which value students' skills, as well as teaching proposals that prioritize stimulating learning were, for the most part, classified as very relevant, leading to the understanding that effective teaching is associated with environments that promote student engagement, social and academic growth. Complementary Added to this idea is the fact that the actions that allow more effective teaching of Mathematics do not only benefit students with CP, but all students included in Basic Education classes.
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