The neoliberal-conservative promise in curriculum policies for high school: Happiness as a purpose of life
promesa neoliberal-conservadora en las políticas curriculares del bachillerato: la felicidad como propósito de vida
Curriculum, High School, Entrepreneurship, DifferenceAbstract
The articulation between curriculum and identity project – otherness as the same – is not uncommon in education, at the same time creating “different” subjects and making them invisible. In this text, we deal with one of its occurrences in the recent curriculum policy for high school and its proposal to make happiness a purpose of life, understood by the metric of entrepreneurship and ableism. We use Wendy Brown's reading of neoliberalism as rationality, assuming that the most insidious character of this rationality is its commitment to the elimination of politics, dissent, and democracy [to come] itself, producing normalization at the expense of silencing and marginalizing difference. The criticism of the high education policy focused on the curricular component Purpose of Life and analyzed documents produced by the MEC, as well as by private organizations linked to it. Our theoretical commitment in producing a critique of the policy is to participate in the political struggle for (re)signifying it and for expanding the conditions of liveability for most people.
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