Neoconservatism and archaism on neoliberalismo: implications toward the scholar inclusion corrosion
Neoconservatism, Neoliberalism, School inclusionAbstract
The article investigates the relationship between neoconservatism and neoliberalism to sustain the hypothesis that every disabled or socially excluding subject is an incarnated critique of neoliberalism, therefore, unbearable subjects. It starts from the conception that their somatic and existential singularities engender different efficiencies to the standards of neoliberal competences and skills. Neoliberalism cannot support or accept that perspective and makes use of neoconservatism as a convenient strategy to reject existential multiplicities through a series of stigmatization. It will be upon the analysis of archaisms that it can better understand the functioning of this neoconservatism and the reasons why public policies for school inclusion must be eroded and exterminated. To this end, two axes of analysis are developed. On the first axe, the relationship between neoconservatism and archaisms in neoliberalism is investigated, highlighting how both require conservative subjectivities. After this, it advances to understanding how the neoliberal subjective modelling reaches its subjects inside and outside the school walls, however, to destroy school inclusion. In the end, the article supports some reasons why it is still necessary to defend school inclusion.
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