Specialized educational care in the constitution of the gifted person's self-concept
Giftedness, Specialized educational service, Socio-emotional skills.Abstract
This article is part of one research and its objective was to trace the relationship between specialized educational assistance and the construction of an identity as a gifted person. The participants were four gifted, aged between 19 and 22, two boys and two girls, two students from public education, and two who attended basic education in private institutions. All performed an investigative process of cognitive potential before completing the stage of the early years of elementary school. Data collection took place remotely. The instruments were questionnaires and inventories, as well as participant evaluation reports, and the semi-structured interview provided the data that based the analyzes present in this article. It was possible to ascertain the importance of participation in specialized educational care, with regard to the development of elements such as self-concept, self-reference, and a sense of belonging. It was also possible to verify that the precocious sense of identity of the gifted can be understood as a protective factor for their socio-emotional development. Specialized educational assistance, understood as social support, can also collaborate in the development of social skills. Finally, it was understood that, in the cases described, giftedness could be understood as a protective factor for the development of socio-emotional skills in gifted young adults.Downloads
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