A reflection on violent practices in the schooling process of oral deaf users of hearing aids for sound amplification
bullying, escola, surdezAbstract
The bullying phenomenon is a complex and multidimensional subspecies of peer violence. Among the specific types of violence, this study highlights the violence practiced against the disabled person, in the school context, as one of the possibilities for society’s difficulty in dealing with the different. Like other students, deaf people are likely to be bullied. Thus, the present research has as general objective to verify if the bullying phenomenon was or is part of the daily school life of oralized deaf adolescents and users of hearing aids for individual sound amplification, patients of a Hearing Health Service in the State of Espirito Santo-ES. The sample consisted of adolescents aged between 12 and 18 years old. They answered a form developed on Google Forms, consisting of 40 questions, 1 open and 39 closed, organized into 3 sessions. After collection, regarding quantitative aspects, the data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 25 for Windows. Qualitative analysis was forwarded from the three themes presented in the data collection form. Studies on the incidence of bullying indicate a high prevalence of this phenomenon in the school context however, this trend was not verified in the present study whose sample included deaf students. It is believed that the low incidence of bullying in the investigated sample may be due to the relatively low number of deaf participants who agreed to participate in the research. When bullying was mentioned, the most frequent forms of aggression were verbal, followed by physical and material, psychological and cyberbullying.
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