Mathematical games: analysis of inclusive proposals to enhance mental calculation
Universal Design for Learning, Mental Calculation, Games.Abstract
This article discusses the formation of mathematical thinking in a visually impaired student, searching to recognize conditions for learning specific mathematical content through games. They aim to present the partial results of the research that analyzed the development of the mental calculation of a blind student, in the use of basic arithmetic operations, using games adapted and developed in the perspective of Universal Design for Learning. The theoretical basis of this article, presents the principles of Universal Design for Learning, a brief discussion about games as an instrument of teaching inside the classroom, in addition to bringing the understanding adopted about mental calculation and its importance. This qualitative research aims to expose the adaptation/creation of two games, analyzing them as possible learning enhancers in relation to mental calculation for all students, including the participating blind student, which meets the main premise Universal Design for Learning, the possibility of learning and developing everyone with equal opportunities. From the research carried out, there was evidence of the development of the mental calculation of the focus student, enhanced by the games, as well as the need for further studies and research, given the difficulty of generalizing such results.Downloads
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