Anxiety and self-esteem associated with poor school performance in students with developmental dyslexia: an integrative review
Anxiety, low school performance, developmental dyslexia.Abstract
Developmental dyslexia is a neurobiological disorder caused by cognitive, hereditary and environmental factors. Such dysfunction would cause a specific, significant and persistent difficulty, in different degrees, in the learning of decoding, compromising the processes of reading and writing comprehension. It can also cause the risk of developing anxiety and low self-esteem, being significantly correlated with low school performance in students with dyslexia. This theme aimed to investigate anxiety and self-esteem associated with poor school performance in students with dyslexia. This is an integrative literature review, based on the search for scientific publications indexed in the MEDLINE/PubMed, Europe PMC and ERIC databases. The following descriptors were used: anxiety, self-esteem, developmental dyslexia, difficulty in reading development, education, students and developmental dyslexia reading disorder. At the end of the searches, 11 studies were selected to compose the present article, in English and Spanish, published between the years 2009 to 2020. Based on the findings, from the studies analyzed, it was possible to notice that students with dyslexia had an emotional-behavioral profile, characterized by lower self-esteem and greater anxiety in relation to emotional factors, in addition to greater behavioral problems than students without dyslexia. It is concluded that a better management of emotions and a strengthening of self-esteem is necessary in order to minimize the low academic performance of students with dyslexia. To this end, it is based on the fundamental importance of expanding actions between Psychology and Education, developing early interventions related to reading difficulties and psychosocial adjustment.
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