High abilities/giftedness in the perspective of school inclusion: phenomenological experiences from the implementation of municipal guidelines
High abilities/giftedness, Special education, Phenomenology.Abstract
This article aims to present the contributions of the phenomenological method to the teacher of the Specialized Educational Attendance (AEE) in High Abilities /Giftedness (AH/SD). Theoretically, it is referenced in Holanda (2003), Merleau-Ponty (2011), Perez (2009), Renzulli (2014), Virgolim (2010) and others. In methodological terms, it is an eidetic phenomenological research, whose purpose is the elucidation of the lived. It uses as instruments: field diary, sense version and non-directive conversations. As results and discussions, it is evident that it is urgent to review strategies and instruments produced from psychometric / quantitative logic that exclusively served to produce stereotypes about the person with AH / SD. In the conclusions, it indicates the need to understand the students in their multidimensional aspects, in a demonstration that it is necessary to understand them qualitatively as individuals, in their particularities, in an attitude open to school inclusion.
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