Results of research on large-scale evaluation policies in education and its impacts on school
Evaluation, Everyday school life, Meritocratic policies.Abstract
This article has as theoretical background the debate about the social role of school education, because, when choosing to research the policies of large scale evaluation and its impacts on school, we are driven by anxieties of changes in social and school reality, by the indignation at school failure and by the latent willingness to make visible the existing democratic experiences of education. The text presents results of research carried out within the research group, discussing the repercussions of the large scale tests for the daily life of schools in the city of Rio de Janeiro, focusing on the practices of the teachers. It also uncovers the wiles and tactics (Certeau, 2008) that take place in schools when the results of the large-scale tests are associated with bonus policies, with emphasis on meritocracy. Such tactics are revealed in many ways. In particular, we highlight the practice observed in the schools surveyed that, in order to increase their performance indices, the teaching staff communicates to those responsible for children with special educational needs that they can stay at home on the days of the external examinations. This measure reveals how the external evaluation policy when associated with bonus policies greatly affects the social role of the school. The studies can not be generalized, as they are case studies, but reveal important issues for the field of evaluation in its relation with the social role of school education.
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