Garment Recognition Prototype of Mobile Application for Blind People
Digital Accessibility, Blindness, Mobile Devices.Abstract
Blind people are usually limited to routine tasks that depend exclusively on the perception of light, such as choosing a specific dress, color or style, among many other related activities. Blind people can, through touch, have information about texture and shape of clothing. However, details such as colors, designs, and style become difficult to identify without the help of a person who has vision. In this context, this paper presents a prototype of a mobile application that allows blind people to identify their clothing. The methodology used was the dissertation-project.The identification of the clothing is accomplished by means of the recognition of standards, with the use of the OpenCV library. The application allows the registration of images of the clothes, as well as an audio description. The application allows blind people to have more autonomy in the activity of choosing clothes, being able to combine patterns of colors. The dress register with the audio description can be made by the circle of friends of the blind people, who will be able to follow all the changes of fashion and go changing this information as needed, since fashion, styles and trends are always changing Through the application, the blind person can have autonomy of choice regarding their clothes, allowing them to choose them alone, and can use the application at any time or place for portability. This paper has also shown how blind people can have a better quality of life through a clothing identification application. Technology empowers people with disabilities and represents an expanding market.Downloads
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