Curricular adaptations in building practices of literacy for deaf students
Curricular adaptations, Literacy, Deaf students.Abstract
Studies indicate that deaf students have presented a poor performance due to difficulties in reading and writing. This situation results, in part, from the approaches used in teaching Portuguese as the first language, without any methodological adaptation. According to the assumptions of inclusive education, the teacher is expected to develop curricular adaptations as to build a meaningful teaching-learning process. Given this context, this study aimed to investigate whether and how curricular adaptations have been implemented in ordinary schools that have deaf students enrolled, and whether they favor the development of some kind of bilingual literacy practice. Supported by the Sociocultural-Historical Theory (Vygotsky, 1924-1934) and the national teaching-learning policy, this study is also anchored in the Critical Collaborative Research Methodology (Magalhães, 2011). The data were produced by observing the Portuguese language classes, in classrooms that have deaf students enrolled, as well as interviews and reflective sessions. The results indicate the absence of the curricular adaptations due to the poor training offered to teachers and indicate that the collaboration between the participants (research and researched) favors its implementation, as well as the development of bilingual literacy practices.
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